Yasmin El-Serag

Hussein Hatem

Nagham Salah

Amr Kasseb

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Adams Dance Studio is Celebrating 8th Years Anniversary

We are pleased to announce the 8th anniversary of Adams dance studio! Since it opened in 2015, the company has been devoted to delivering...

How Flexibility and Stretching Improve Your Dance Technique

Flexibility and stretching will definitely Improve your dance technique, it doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a professional dancer, they are very...

10 Reasons Pilates is Important for Dancers

When Pilates gained popularity within the dance world, dancers feel comfortable with Pilates because the principles integral to dance training are also emphasized in...

Why it`s never Too Late to start Dancing?

Yes. it`s never too late to start dancing. Because dance is something which you do every day, maybe you don’t notice it but all...

Dance and Music in Ancient Egypt

Dance and music were a profitable career and highly valued in ancient Egypt open to both men and women. Certainly, the ancient Egyptians were dance...

The Amazing Benefits of Dance

Benefits of dance are totally impressive regardless of what type of dance you enjoy the most. Tango, salsa, break dance, belly dance, contemporary or...

Dance Floor Etiquette For Complete Beginners

The dance floor has it`s own etiquette & respect, because not only you are respecting the people around you. You are respecting the dance,...

An Overview of Fitness Dance Styles

Fitness Dance styles can be confusing sometimes, but it`s one of the best exercises to tone your body and strip you of fat. Without...

Why Zumba Comes First in Fitness Dancing

Fitness dancing became so popular among ladies. Therefore, fitness dancing is the first choice to approach especially Zumba. Therefore, When ladies decide to start her fitness...

Etiquette to Keep in Mind in any Dance Class

First let me define what is etiquette means in simple words, it`s the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular...

Tour@ Slimnastics Studio Ballet & Aerobics

Slimnastics Studio operates one, full-service ballet and aerobics studio in New Cairo with plans for expand throughout Cairo in the coming year. It is the first...

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Dance is not just a hobby or passion, it`s lifestyle

Whether you like to jump or jive, tap or tango, shake your hips or your booty, dance is one of the most enjoyable ways...

4 Broad Categories of Fitness Dance

Fitness dance stands out from technical or traditional dance in that technique, most fitness dance classes have a focus on cardiovascular exercise. Dancing can...

Tips to Step-up Your Confidence as a Total Beginner

Your confidence as a dancer is very important topic. Learning to dance is not hard at all but how to dance is something completely...

10 Tips to Help You Pass Ballet Audition

Ballet audition plays a major roll in ballet dance community, ballet dance is not only considered one of the classiest arts but it is...

Too Much Dance Could Make Burnout

Of-course too much dance could make burnout. Casting directors and dance trainers are always in state of active searching for dancers whom could be...

Extraordinary Dances and Songs In Egypt Will Never Be Forgotten

Extraordinary Dances and Songs In Egypt. Dance has not been a part of recent Egyptians culture. But, since Pharaohs it was a part of...

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